What is the difference between Head Start (HS) and Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP)?
Head Start is a program funded by the Federal Government for 3 and 4 year olds. Great Start Readiness Program is funded by the State of Michigan and is only for 4 year olds. GSRP also has options for free transportation, whereas Head Start does not offer transportation. GSRP's income eligibility requirements are also much more inclusive of higher incomes, meaning that even if you do not qualify based on income, you may be able to qualify based on other requirements.
Which program is better? Head Start or GSRP?
Both programs use the same curriculum, Highscope and both programs work with the State of Michigan's Quality Rating System to ensure the best quality care is available to families. You can find more about a program's quality rating at GreatStarttoQuality.org.
What if I don't qualify?
We recommend contacting Help Me Grow at 313-410-4588 to get more information about your family's specific needs. Often when you don't qualify for a program, there are low cost options we can help you find, based on your specific information.
Is transportation offered?
Transportation IS available for GSRP through funding from Michigan Department of Education. Transportation is not usually offered for Head Start unless the specific program happens to offer transportation. You should ask the administrators at your desired location. Providers should be familiar with how to easily connect parents to LYFT using their individual account. If providers have questions about utilizing LYFT for family transportation, they can contact their Wayne RESA Early Childhood Consultant.
What is Early Head Start?
Early Head Start provides comprehensive child development and family support services to low-income infants and toddlers and their families, and to pregnant women and their families. There are 3 program options to meet your family’s need:
Center Base Program Education and child development services are delivered primarily in classroom settings, which are in an Early Head Start center. Staff members also visit family homes at least twice per year.
Home Base Program Services are provided through weekly home visits to each enrolled child and family. The home visitor provides child-focused visits that promote the parents' ability to support their child's development. These visits last about an hour and a half each.
Child Care Partnership Program Provides families with flexible and convenient full-day/full-year services from center-based Child Care Providers as well as Family Child Care Homes.